One Crime Every Woman Commits II

Women! So, what about them? I am sure "we" have too much to say about them. Yes, we, the observers, writers of their sins. The list of crimes they commit is huge, revealing. It contains light and serious crimes capable of stunning sights, appalling auditory canals, blowing brains, hitting hearts, knocking mouths over with feather, petrifying and exorcising ignorance, stimulating athletic thoughts and engaging them in simultaneous or consecutive races to destinations where they are transformed into rigid views, opinions, beliefs about women; hence, a mere insinuation that there is one crime they commit sounds as an headline that may have something new under the sun to offer us. Download The Bukolapedia Android App and Instant Access to The Latest Posts Bukola, it is disappointing that you have only made us smell the inviting aroma of what is baking in the oven that our minds can hardly imagine; you have abducted, hidden and abandoned us in wonderland, cause...