Thinking, Making Merry as a Progressionist!

Have we sublimely or deliberately undervalued youthfulness as an indication of sheer immaturity and incapability, bestowed this unfair opinion-cum-act fully with the power to undo the youth, mar their personal and collective, great leadership dreams, plans, chances in one way or the other? Are we guilty of observing, passing on the belief that they are too young to be steady to hurting, harmful degrees? Have we become loyal followers of the myth that they have to wait until a tomorrow comes before they can be considered worthy of leadership positions? These are questions we ought to ask ourselves. They deserve sincere answers. I hope we are innocent. Refuting responses should be supported by proofs. Besides, I dare say that today must provide crucial discovery, testing and training grounds for the development, advancement of the youth's leadership potentials, skills so that they would be fully equipped with the necessary experience to be resourceful, dependable, pr...