It’s all about Making a Difference by Bukola Olafenwa

Talents are assets which can be taken for granted by ignorance, negligence or omission. By ignorance, I mean lack of awareness about the need to discover, develop and promote talents for the benefit of the gifted and humanity as a whole. While ignorance is a big problem, negligence is a bigger problem. Human negligence is a worse misfortune as many important things, including contributing immensely to the uncovering and the advancement of talents are left unattended to. Mortal omissions could be insignificant or fatal. Letting talents lie untapped or letting realised ones waste, especially due to needless handicapping deprivations are instances of fatal mortal omissions. They produce fatal consequences. Growing minds become helpless, hopeless and remain unprogressive. Affected youths who are being counted on as the future of the society will be rendered empty even with their endowment full to capacity staying unutilized and perishing. They will be rendered incapable of (M...