Ewa day!

Mozambique Hall was in one of its finest of mornings, fully awake, reasonably hustling and maximally bustling. It was rejoicing in the euphoria of the sweetness of dawn that crowned memories of the passing lecture free week, urging a more serious preparation for the forthcoming examinations and exhibiting hopes of general successful performance and results for the rain semester, girlishly, genially and gracefully, when, the heroes, the giants, the elephants, the lions and the kings of Awolowo Hall barged in like a storm with ‘glad tidings’ to the heroines, the giantesses, the lionesses and the queens. While an effective public address system announced their arrival, their mission was pronounced from room-to-room in a very embracing manner. It was Ewa Day. They needed ‘wife materials’ to help separate the chaff from large quantities of beans. They were armed with masculine gestures, so tender, so endearing, so urging, that short, tall, fat, slim, plump, fair or dark ski...